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Register your DBA

Your business name helps establish your brand. Apply for a DBA and make yours memorable. Starts at $149 + filing fees.

What's a DBA?

DBA is an acronym that stands for "doing business as." A DBA is a way to give your business a name that's different from your name or the registered name of your business.


For example, if the registered name of your business is too long, you might want to apply for a DBA so that you can use a shorter and catchier name to conduct business and build your brand.

Small Business Owner
How to register for a DBA

Other terms for DBA

Depending on the state in which you're doing business, a DBA may also be called a fictitious business name, a trade name, or an assumed business name. These terms are often used interchangeably, but mean the same thing.

Do I need to apply for a DBA?

​You'll need a DBA if you're planning to do business using a name other than your personal name or your business entity's registered name. A DBA isn't always required for a business, but it can be a useful tool.

3 reasons why a DBA could be beneficial for your business


If you want to rebrand your registered business and branch into new products or services, a DBA lets you pursue a different direction than your official business name suggests without having to start a new LLC or corporation.


Businesses not registered with the state (e.g. sole proprietorships) operate under the owner's full legal name, so your personal name would be listed on all transactions. With a DBA, you can separate your legal name from your business name and gain more privacy.

Legally required

A DBA is usually required under state law if you plan to operate your business under a name other than your legal name or an officially registered business name.

DBA vs. LLC: What's the difference?

​There are several important differences between a DBA and an LLC:


Ease and affordability

If you want to register your business name without creating an actual business entity like an LLC, a DBA is an easy way to do it.

Expansion and personalization

With a DBA, you can easily personalize your business by location. For example, if you have multiple ice cream shops in multiple towns, each shop can be branded with the name of the town.

Easy upkeep

A DBA usually only has to be renewed every few years, and it’s a great option for business owners who want to get an official business name without the upkeep needed for an LLC.


Protect your personal assets

By forming an LLC and keeping your personal financials separate, your personal assets are protected from business liabilities.

Tax flexibility

You get to decide how you're taxed—as an LLC or a corporation—to maximize your potential savings and minimize tax liability.

More maintenance

Although LLCs have simpler record-keeping rules than other types of business entities, they still involve more ongoing maintenance than a DBA, such as annual filings and reports.

How to register a DBA

Here are some general steps to follow to file a DBA. There may also be state-specific requirements that you can likely find on the respective Secretary of State's website.

1. Search your name

Make sure the DBA name you want isn't already being used. You can usually conduct a business entity search on the Secretary of State's website.

2. Review the naming requirements of your state

For example, you may not use banking-related words or terms that could be associated with a governmental entity.

3. Fulfill operating requirements

Some states require you to operate under your DBA before registering it.

4. File your DBA with the Secretary of State or local government agency

You can usually submit a form online or via mail.

Entrepreneur Woman
Coffee Shop Owner

DBA vs. sole proprietorship:
What you should know

There are several important benefits of a DBA over a sole proprietorship:

Keep your private life separate

Creating a DBA allows you to promote your business without compromising your privacy by limiting the use of your personal name in day-to-day business transactions.

Branding and marketing

​Branding becomes easier with a DBA. For marketing purposes, having a DBA lets you have a name that clearly promotes the product or service you're offering.

Increased legitimacy

Creating a DBA adds credibility to your business. The good news is that it's easy and affordable.

Open a bank account

​Many banks require sole proprietorships to have a DBA to open a business checking account.

  • What Is a Virtual Office?
    Virtual offices provide office and conference room space and services for your business like live reception, mail handling, and fax service. A virtual office space can give you an office location in a major city, even while you’re working remotely thousands of miles away. It is perfect for people who are on-the-go and for people who want the most price efficient way to operate professionally.
  • How Does a Virtual Office Work?
    A virtual office provides you with a virtual environment to get work done remotely. This allows you to work from home if you prefer. While your work can be done remotely, the physical address gives you a physical location for letters and packages to be sent to and gives you the chance for more privacy and a professional business image. If you'd like your working style to be hybrid or fully in person, you are also able to have your own office and co-working space at a physical location with Office In America Co.
  • How trustworthy are we?
    We have been in business since the inception of summer 2014. You can see testimonies of our customers on Office In America Co. Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn or We are one big family. Additionally, our server is secured with 256 SSL cryptographic protocols, and our payment is hosted by major global payment platforms. Trustworthiness is everything to us.
  • How can I benefit from having a prestigious office address in Houston Texas?
    Good question! Your business will earn the reputation of having an office operating the most diverse country in the USA. Industries known here includes oil-gas, energy, Information Technology, medical, logistics, culinary and many more. The corporate location influences the correspondence of clients, customers and even suppliers. Now, they see your company as a reputable firm located in a high rise building.
  • Is there caveat, asterisk or hidden terms on your services?"
    We are not a fan of hidden terms. If you still have questions which answers cannot be found on our website, please email us at or call/text us at +1.713.893.1400. We’d love to clarify for you.
  • Can I upgrade my package plan anytime?
    Absolutely. You can always upgrade your plan whenever you wish, and you only need to pay the difference. All you have to do is let us know and we’ll help you get there. Contact us at to start.
  • What area code will my phone and fax numbers have?
    The area code for your phone number and fax number will be "713", "281", "832" and "346" area code. Houston is fourth most populous city in the USA, the phone area code numbers keep on growing every day. Why use a local area code phone number? It really shows that your office is located in Houston, TX and it can receive incoming calls or data from anywhere in the world unlike 1-800 numbers.
  • How Much Does a Virtual Business Address Cost?
    Virtual office rates can vary based on location and features. At Office In America Co., our basic package starts at $69 and includes a corporate address, your very own phone number, and a live receptionist to greet clients and answer your calls.
  • How do I know if I receive mail or packages?
    You will receive an email containing images of mail and packages received on a daily basis. There is no need to call and check to see if you've received anything. If you know you should receive something and have not heard from us, please email or call/text +1(713)893-1400 to check. Sometimes error happens like wrong suite, zip code or recipient name.
  • Can my partner or someone I know use my virtual office package?
    The virtual office pricing is design to serve one company with a person. If you would like to add more person or firm name, you can do so for only $15.00/month per person and or per company. $15.00 one-time setup fee will apply per addition.
  • Can I Use a Virtual Address for Business Licensing?
    Yes, your virtual address may be used for business licensing. Some sectors are restricted, but the majority of our clients have been licensed with a virtual address. Some centers may be able to hang your company license.
  • Can I Use My Existing Company Phone Number?
    Yes, you do not have to use the phone number provided to you when you sign up. You can use your own number, but you may have to get your number released from your provider in order to do so.
  • Can you register a business to a virtual office?
    Yes, you may use your virtual office address for company registration. A virtual office address is a legitimate, physical location to an office building. A virtual office address can also be used for forming an LLC or corporation. As for getting a registered agent, some virtual offices offer this service, but many do not. They will instead refer you to an agent or you will have to find one yourself.
  • How long is my virtual office contract commitment?
    With Office In America Co., you can pay monthly or annually. Our annual plans are discounted up to 3 months free!
  • Virtual address for LLC in Texas?
    A virtual address is a real-world location that receives your mail and may be utilized as a business address for your firm in order to form an LLC. It allows you to maintain a physical presence in any city without having to pay the high expense of office space rentals. Other advantages of using a virtual office include coworker room, private offices, fax services, and live reception.

Why use Office In America to set up your DBA?

Peace of mind

We're the #1 choice for online DBA filings for a reason. We deal with state agencies for you by filing your DBA directly with them.

Comprehensive name search

If it's required in your state, our first step in registering your DBA will be to check your state's official database to find out if the name you want is available.

Publication of business name

In states that require publication of new DBAs, we'll publish your DBA statement in the appropriate newspaper.* We'll also forward you the proof of publication and a copy of your statement.

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Do you have any questions?

Call us today at (713) 893-1400

Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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